Commercial Washer and Dryer Repair Poolesville MD
Just because you need commercial washer repair, commercial dryer repair or industrial washer for Sugarland or Poolesville Town Cleaners doesn’t mean you need to go to Bethesda or downtown for good service. Just because you run the laundry operations and are in charge of the maintenance for commercial washers and industrial dryers in one of the 39 hospitals near or around Poolesville doesn’t mean you have to go out-of-state to find inexpensive and reliable repair service. Industrial dryer repair for hospitals does not need to be expensive. Commercial washer repair for laundromats does not have to be a long-term contract.
You should realize that running a laundry business requires maintenance. Maintenance means repairs of major unexpected breakdowns, replacement of parts and regular servicing including inspections. Otherwise, the business runs into unscheduled, unforeseen work stoppage, pended services and customer dissatisfaction. And in an area where competition is stiff and just a stone’s throw away, that is bad business.
So how do you stay in business?
At Ridgeway Industries, we can help you achieve that and minimize washer and dryer repair. Through our Accu-Pour Laundry Program designed for laundromats and hospitals among other businesses, we offer a solution that is cost-effective, reliable, available and efficient. Here are some of the benefits of the Accu-Pour Laundry Program:
- It is applicable to any size of laundry operations from small laundromats to hospitals with large-scale laundry services.
- We offer monthly and quarterly inspections designed to minimize downtime due to any major or unexpected breakdown.
- 24/7 repair service availability.
- Parts and tools availability for any service concern through fully-provisioned service vehicles and expert factory-trained personnel.
- Same-day service guarantee for most service calls.
- First call resolution. No need to reschedule visits due to part unavailability.
- No long-term contracts.
- Automatic dispensing solutions for more efficient laundry operations.
We save. We deliver. We serve.
Feel free to call us at 1-800-479-9548 or visit us online at for price quotes, product and service inquiries or to scheduled visits. We would be glad to help your laundry business become successful.