Commercial Washer and Dryer Repair Bethesda MD
If you are looking for commercial washer repair or industrial dryer repair for hospitals and operations that require a whole lot of laundry, look no further than service providers in the Bethesda MC area. Just because you have to keep operating costs doesn’t mean you have to go out-of-state for commercial washer repair for hospitals or compromise on quality. When you want to make sure the washers and dryers are in top shape so your operations continue smoothly, the priority should be reliability and efficiency. And the good news is, you can get that at reasonable rates if you know where to look.
The cost for commercial or industrial washer and dryer repair can spiral out of control along with the cost of supplies and consumables. And as anyone in the laundry business knows, this is due to the constant wear and tear that these machines are subjected to on a daily basis. Therefore, if you are running a laundromat or handling out-sourced laundry operations for any hospital in Bethesda, you need to keep the cost of repair services in mind. You cannot afford to let it go out of control.
At Ridgeway Industries, our solution for industrial or commercial dryer and washer repair is known as the Accu-Pour Laundry Program. Applicable to almost any laundromat or hospital operations, it is guaranteed to provide efficient, timely and reliable service. How?
- Our monthly and quarterly inspection points are designed to eliminate the need for major repair and services.
- Our factory-trained technicians ensure efficiency and reliability of work.
- Our service vans come equipped with state of the art tools and a range of parts to ensure servicing is done at the first call and completed in the same day.
- For any major or unexpected breakdowns, we are available 24/7.
We offer cost-effective, reliable and efficient service.
Feel free to call or visit us online for a quote, product and service inquiries or to schedule a visit. We would be glad to help your laundry business become successful.